Phil Araujo - The Product Hero
Phil Araujo - The Product Hero

Phil is an agile, SaaS, and mobile product manager who has led the development of various products in industries, such as IoT, bank, insurance, and HR, in B2B and B2B2C organizations. He has a proven track record of remotely leading teams of 25+ for startups for the top ten banks and insurance companies. Phil is thoughtful, enthusiastic, creative, up for a challenge, and known for leading and inspiring his teams to develop new and growing existing products for the international markets.

Medium member since March 2020
Connect with Phil Araujo - The Product Hero
Phil Araujo - The Product Hero

Phil Araujo - The Product Hero

10+ yrs of expertise into lifestyle wins to empower people from Zero to Hero | 600+ taught successful products philosophy| Real, no fluff!